BioLife is full of irony. When I was in high school, one time I was asked by my guidance counselor what field I was interested in working in, my response was "Anything but business!"… and as the chips fell, my career has been nothing except business. :-) After being accepted as a summer intern, I began working for AT&T 3 days after graduating high school which launched me into a career I never expected. That summer internship continued throughout college and upon graduation, I was hired as a full time management employee. As an employee of the company for 18 years, my responsibilities varied but it wasn't until I was fortunate enough who had some bosses who really believed in me and challenged me that I started to believe in myself as a true business woman. I became a business analyst and finally was able to apply my background in math and computers. For years, I loved the work but I realized corporate world demands that were being placed on my personal life when my previous boss called me at work on a Saturday night at the office, and I was there to answer the call! I was then given the opportunity to work for an eCommerce company, Emily Rose Doll Clothes, where I am currently the VP of Operations. I am involved in many community service organizations (such as the Girl Scouts, Family Career & Community Leaders of America, St Mary's Spring to Summer 5K committee, National MS Society walk team leader, etc.) and believe that true success lies in helping others achieve their potential. Most importantly, I'm a mom of the most amazing 3 year old little girl who can instantly brighten my day with one glance.My skills,Testimonials
Michelle is a true Galahad. Give her an inch and she will take a mile. Her attention to detail and "no back down" until it is done philosophy are brilliant. She is also an awesome mother and one of the most kind and generous people I have ever met.
2012.08.13 08:46 AM |